EOC Week 8 Creative Content
The plan that is being put together is to have the car show at the Wal-Mart
shopping center the way i would be doing a flyer that would be giving out the
date time and all the event. I am also planning on building a BlogSpot for this
event also, the way i would be promoting this event would be placing my flyers
all over the place including in the store on the student lounge in the post
office and the mail box by my house. Also i might be able to get the word out
online in my social media and also in the radio station, i am not really going
to rely so much on the radio station because i don't know if they would approve
it or if they would allow it. As in for sponsors to pay for my insurance and
some of the supplies I’m thinking of using lawyer Eric Palacios as one of my
sponsors and also a Smog Busters that i know the owner for. I’ve talked with a
Verizon wireless rep and i asked him if he would like to set up a booth at my
show and spread their word also i can get someone from dish network and also
from Cox communications to set up a table with all the information that they
will provide for the customer so in a way i would be helping out with the
information on those businesses and also kind of like a family event for
everyone else not just car people and it all comes out to a good cause for
children in our community. The goal for my event is to at least come up and
raise $400 for the children’s miracle network and also help out other local
businesses with the promotion.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Week 7: Implemention Evaluation Control
by checking out what will be going on in the event and making sure that everything turns out for the best and see if i would do it again the following year or month, another way to evaluate what i am targeting and trying to make sure that everyone is in a comfort zone with what they have. the only way i would be controlling the environment is i have metro donating their time to this event in two ways to keep calm within the show and to be able to teach kids what they offer to our community and also they agreed to bring McGruff the dog. another way that control would be sustained is with security being on top of things and metro being on site usually people are calmer and don't disrupt when they see that police is on site.
Planning good strategies is only a start toward successful marketing. A brilliant marketing strategy counts for little if the company fails to implement it properly. Marketing implementation is the process that turns marketing plans into marketing actions in order to accomplish strategic marketing objectives. Whereas marketing planning addresses the what and why of marketing activities, implementation addresses the who, where, when, and how.
In the evaluation stage, the consumer ranks brands and forms purchase intentions. Generally, the consumer’s purchase decision will be to buy the most preferred brand, but two factors can come between the purchase intention and the purchase decision.
Planning good strategies is only a start toward successful marketing. A brilliant marketing strategy counts for little if the company fails to implement it properly. Marketing implementation is the process that turns marketing plans into marketing actions in order to accomplish strategic marketing objectives. Whereas marketing planning addresses the what and why of marketing activities, implementation addresses the who, where, when, and how.
In the evaluation stage, the consumer ranks brands and forms purchase intentions. Generally, the consumer’s purchase decision will be to buy the most preferred brand, but two factors can come between the purchase intention and the purchase decision.
Week 7: Price
When it comes down to the price it would be a base price for
every car, and for vendors so no matter what you would be driving your base or
starting price/donation would be a minimum of twenty dollars and also if you would
like to donate more for this event we would also accept it, for the vehicle
part is not so much of a challenge to have people to bring their cars over and
be able to pay the fee and some of them I know would even give more. When it
comes down to the Vendors that I would be having out at this event for vendors
such as Verizon Wireless, Cox Communications, and Dish I would be charging them
a minimum of thirty dollars for them to be able to set up a booth or a table at
this event and whatever sales they would do on that day we wouldn’t get none of
the sale money all the profits would stay with them. With food trucks or food
vendors it would be a little different with the food part of the event the
truck or vendor would be paying a fee or donation of a fifty dollar minimum and
what we would do with them obviously the name of the restaurant or food truck
would be out and promoted I would put them on the flyer with their name on the
front also what I would be doing with them is for all the beverage sales I would
ask them if they would like to donate fifty percent of the drink sales to the
CMN(Children’s Miracle Network). With all event contestants they can either
purchase a raffle ticket for two dollars each in additional to the one that
they would get per car of the even and also this money would be all going to
It can launch a better advertising campaign or use aggressive sales
promotions—trade deals, cents-off, premiums, and contests. In addition
to pricing and promotion, the company can also move into new marketing channels to help serve new users.
This group appears more likely than other segments to use online
research before purchasing electronics, appliances, home decor, and
jewelry. Thus, home improvement retailers appealing to this segment
should have a strong online presence, providing pricing, features and benefits, and product availability.
Week 7:Promotion
Today, most
B-to-B marketers recognize that emotion plays an important role in business buying decisions. For example, you might
expect that an advertisement promoting large trucks to corporate fleet buyers or
independent owner-operators would stress objective technical, performance, and
economic factors. For instance, befitting today’s tougher economic times,
premium heavy-duty truck maker Peterbilt does stress performance—its dealers
and Web site provide plenty of information about factors such as
maneuverability, productivity, reliability, comfort, and fuel efficiency.-printed
when it comes out
to promoting this event is one of the ways
that I can think that is the easiest yet the hardest thing to do , the
easiest because with Facebook ,twitter, Google plus and all the social media websites
that there is it can be your best friend but at the same time it can back fire
to you in many ways such as having people on your page or followers that don’t really
care for what you are selling doing or giving to the community. They can be your
best way to communicate if you have the right people on those sites such as enthusiast
and also people that care for what you are going to do. My promotion would be
through Facebook, twitter, word of mouth and in the store that I will be
putting this event together there would be flyers in the store and all over the
departments that allow me to do it in. with Facebook my goal is to put up the picture
of the flyer and tag as many people as the site allows me reason being is so
that people know about it and so that the friends of my friend know about the event
and if those friends see it and like it they repost and friends of friends of friends
find out about the even and can always be that much more successful
Week 7: Distribution
i get to my event i really don’t have a way of distributing the product well
because i have no product that i am selling in a way though the plan that i
have to distribute my flyers and how to distribute the information about the
event that i can cay how to distribute. what i would do is start with posting
up flyers up on Facebook twitter and other social media networks
also what I would do to distribute the flyers I would be posting them in the
store location that this event will be held at and since it’s a car show I would
go to different gas stations and would ask if I could display or distribute my
flyer within their property because let’s face it a car show and gas well
nothing else to say with that. Also I would be distributing flyers at places
like your local market and at our sponsors businesses this way we can be able
to show more of what we are doing and get more of a variety of visitors not
just the normal car gear head guys that would come to our event.
They include resellers, physical distribution firms, marketing services agencies, and financial intermediaries.
Marketers should pay attention to income distribution
as well as income levels. Over the past several decades, the rich have
grown richer, the middle class has shrunk, and the poor have remained
poor. The top 1 percent of American earners get 21.2 percent of the
country’s adjusted gross income, and the top 10 percent of earners
capture 46.4 percent of all income. In contrast, the bottom 50 percent
of American earners receive just 12.8 percent of total income.37 Week 7: Product
When it comes to my product well I really don’t
have a product that I am selling to someone but I am selling them the
experience on having some fun with friends, family and even meet new people that
have the same interest that you do with bringing your car over and having them
look at your and you look at theirs.
Many companies follow the selling concept, which holds that consumers will not buy enough
of the firm’s products unless it undertakes a large-scale selling and promotion effort.- printed
In a way that is
how most products actually do sell and do make profit but also in events like
mine we really aren’t trying to sell you anything or making you buy anything
the only thing that you are going to buy in this case would be a smile from a
child that gets that extra help that is needed and from a great full parent
that is holding that child’s hand and holding the fear so the child won’t be
able to. The only thing that we are going to be selling to you that you can
keep is a great feeling and a great experience that you are going to have for
the rest of your life. Even though we will have vendors and food no one would
really be taking a huge prize home or a really nice object that they are going
to have to spend money on.
The production concept is
still a useful philosophy in some situations. For example, computer
maker Lenovo dominates the highly competitive, price-sensitive Chinese
PC market through low labor costs, high production efficiency, and mass distribution.
The production concept holds that consumers will favor products that are available and highly affordable. Therefore, management should focus on improving production and distribution efficiency. This concept is one of the oldest orientations that guides sellers.
Week 7: Target Marketing Stragety
i target a special type of market i go for it and try to go for it all my
marketed target here would be car lovers and gear heads and enthusiast like myself
that i am going after. what i have planned for this target is to set up flyers
in places that gear heads would go to such thing as gas stations, car shops and
auto parts stores also since i would be having this event at a Wal-Mart store I would be
putting up flyers all over the store and in places that people would be looking
at and were they would come across and see the flyer. places for example like
the automotive department, the photo department and the electronics department
reason why i would be doing in those special departments would be because those are
department that most men walk into more than women and at the same time usually
the car person or gear head even the enthusiast is a man about eighty nine percent of the
time. I would put my flyers in places where people would actually have
to go to that place and do something and they would have to see it, also at the
actual show I would have people have a great time when they are joining us at
the event with their friends and family. The only other plan that I have for
the target of this event is actually talking to car owners that I know and car
clubs that I have associating with and
hang out with and usually when you have a show vehicle you know other people
and more people would be able to show up at this event.
The first four steps in the marketing process create value for customers.
Perhaps the most important step in the marketing process involves building value-laden, profitable relationships with target customers. Throughout the process, marketers practice customer relationship management to create customer satisfaction and delight
week 7: Situation or SWOT analysis
SWOT Analysis
Motivated by being a gear head and a photographer, to have a good time with family and
friends. Also by the fact that I have the opportunity to use a parking lot of a large company
and by having a variety of sponsors help with this event.The company first develops companywide strategic plans and then translates them into marketing and other plans for each division, product, and brand. Through implementation, the company turns the plans into actions.
Having would be when i am putting this event together for the cause and charity and no one show up for either be a spectator or to be part of the car show. being with their vehicles at the show also some weakness that i have by putting this even together is findings for the event as in who is sponsoring the event and were am i going to get the insurance from.
opportunities that present to me in this project are that i can really make the change in a children life by setting something up that a lot of people like and that they love to have fun and they are doing a change in simple things.Managing the marketing function begins with a complete analysis of the company’s situation.on that note i cant really stand the chance on missing a great opportunity on anything.
threat that can come up with a event like this is quite a few such as people getting in to a fight would be a major threat to the show and as to the people also, who is going to want to be at a place like that when they have there kids and family with them. also would be if someone would run over a person or a car accident that would be the worst that can happen.but as threat wise there really is not a whole lot that are too big to think about other than those that i mentioned
Motivated by being a gear head and a photographer, to have a good time with family and
friends. Also by the fact that I have the opportunity to use a parking lot of a large company
and by having a variety of sponsors help with this event.The company first develops companywide strategic plans and then translates them into marketing and other plans for each division, product, and brand. Through implementation, the company turns the plans into actions.
Having would be when i am putting this event together for the cause and charity and no one show up for either be a spectator or to be part of the car show. being with their vehicles at the show also some weakness that i have by putting this even together is findings for the event as in who is sponsoring the event and were am i going to get the insurance from.
opportunities that present to me in this project are that i can really make the change in a children life by setting something up that a lot of people like and that they love to have fun and they are doing a change in simple things.Managing the marketing function begins with a complete analysis of the company’s situation.on that note i cant really stand the chance on missing a great opportunity on anything.
threat that can come up with a event like this is quite a few such as people getting in to a fight would be a major threat to the show and as to the people also, who is going to want to be at a place like that when they have there kids and family with them. also would be if someone would run over a person or a car accident that would be the worst that can happen.but as threat wise there really is not a whole lot that are too big to think about other than those that i mentioned
Week 7: Objectives
Strong concepts proceed to marketing
strategy development, in which an initial marketing strategy for the new
product is developed from the product concept. In the business-analysis stage, a review of the sales, costs, and
profit projections for a new product is conducted to determine whether the new
product is likely to satisfy the company’s objectives.
one of the biggest
things that sets people back and that doesn't allow them
to succeed a lot of times is that they don't have a objective
for a job or project, what my objective is on this project is to be able
to bring all sorts of people together for a great and fun event that will
cheer them up and at the same time is creating and they are donating to a good
cause. something else is to be able to prove to people
that when we get together and really set up goals and help out we can make a
difference even if it’s just on one person it’s still something that they did
not have before we came along. One of the biggest objectives to accomplish is
to be able to make the goal that I have set up to make enough money for
the kids. How I see it if I give someone a ten dollar bill that needs it more
than I do it makes me feel great and who knows if that person will be able to
use it for something that it’s really necessary like food or medication for another
day basically there are two objectives one is to be able to have everyone have
a great time and be able to show off what they have been working hard for and
enjoy the family time and the second one is to be able to do good on a child’s
life and change their luck on that one day that there food or medication got
Week 7:Business Mission Statement
The Missionthe complete goal is to be able to raise $400 for CMN children's Miracle
Network to be able to make this happen we have a car show set up with all types
of cars that will be brought to our event we are being sponsored by local
businesses and other non-profit car clubs in Las Vegas. This event will be able
to help out our community children with any medical needs that they are needed
to take care of attention, wouldn’t you feel good knowing that you helped out
someone that needed more medical attention than you did by just showing up
bringing one of your pride and joy cars and donating a few dollars.
The company’s mission should be market oriented, realistic, specific, motivating, and consistent with the market environment.
The company’s mission should be market oriented, realistic, specific, motivating, and consistent with the market environment.
Guided by the company’s mission statement and objectives, management plans its business portfolio,
or the collection of businesses and products that make up the company.
The firm wants to produce a business portfolio that best fits its
strengths and weaknesses to opportunities in the environment.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Week: 7 The Pitch
Week:7 The pitch
I will have a car show to raise money for CMN as i call it which stands for the Children's Miracle Network its something that i have been wanting to put together for a while the car show will be in a parking lot of someone that lets me borrow it for the day I would be charging about $20 per vehicle and all the money that gets raised would all go to CMN. Ever since i was younger i liked helping out people specially kids and young teens that have a worst life than i did or do, my goal is to use the Wal-Mart shopping center parking lot and fill it with at least 15 cars so i can come up with $300 for CMN also for each car i would have them if they can donate more if possible on top of the $20. its a simple thing to say and to think of but its not as easy to put together and actually do. i spoke with the store manager and she said yes that i can use the parking lot just that i would have to have all the right permits. My goal for this event is to have raised at leas $400, why not make a difference in a child's life when it really doesn't cost us a lot if you really think about maybe a meal that you will sacrifice from your weekly routine.
Time Warner, Comcast, and other cable operators are even testing
systems that will let them target specific types of ads to specific
neighborhoods or individually to specific types of customers. For
example, ads for a Spanish-language channel would run only in Hispanic
neighborhoods, or only pet owners would see ads from pet food companies.
For example, cable television and satellite television systems are
booming. Such systems allow narrow programming formats such as all
sports, all news, nutrition, arts, home improvement and gardening,
cooking, travel, history, finance, and others that target select groups.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
EOC Week 6- Me x3
when i walk into a camera shop basically every thing their is marketed towards me and what i do one of the actual products that i purchased at my favorite camera shop B&C Camera on Sahara and Valley view is a tamron lens 18-200mm this is one of the first lenses that i have purchased through out my whole photography career is a great product and it was directed towards me because its basically a all in one lens for what i was doing at the time which was racing and portraits
.
One great item that i have purchased and not been disappointed is my cell phone the Samsung Galaxy SII i like the way that is slick and the screen is relatively large one major reason that i purchased the phone was because of its screen size and the speed of the phone itself i love the fact that the screen is large because i can carry some of my photography work on my memory card and i can show it to who ever i need to show it i see it as a portable mini portfolio that i can show any one and to mention the resolution on the screen is just amazin.
.
over all another product that i felt that i needed to have and that it just called my name was the GoPro camera over all the stuff i do with photography i also race off-road in the Best in the desert series and the S.C.O.R.E series so this camera is a wonder when im trying to capture what i just went through and what i did one thing that i love about this is that the shaking it self does not affect the image a whole lot on the final picture its a great product that i made a good invest in and cant say that i dont like it.
when i walk into a camera shop basically every thing their is marketed towards me and what i do one of the actual products that i purchased at my favorite camera shop B&C Camera on Sahara and Valley view is a tamron lens 18-200mm this is one of the first lenses that i have purchased through out my whole photography career is a great product and it was directed towards me because its basically a all in one lens for what i was doing at the time which was racing and portraits

One great item that i have purchased and not been disappointed is my cell phone the Samsung Galaxy SII i like the way that is slick and the screen is relatively large one major reason that i purchased the phone was because of its screen size and the speed of the phone itself i love the fact that the screen is large because i can carry some of my photography work on my memory card and i can show it to who ever i need to show it i see it as a portable mini portfolio that i can show any one and to mention the resolution on the screen is just amazin.

over all another product that i felt that i needed to have and that it just called my name was the GoPro camera over all the stuff i do with photography i also race off-road in the Best in the desert series and the S.C.O.R.E series so this camera is a wonder when im trying to capture what i just went through and what i did one thing that i love about this is that the shaking it self does not affect the image a whole lot on the final picture its a great product that i made a good invest in and cant say that i dont like it.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Week 5: EOC Super Bowl Commercial
This is easily one of my all time favorite commercials because its so short and its hilarious even tho its promoting a alcoholic beverage in a way it kind of says that you can be in the snow with whom ever and still enjoy a nice cold beer in a way its trying to say that you can be somewhat romantic and still be able to drink this beer with out looking bad or under dressed sort of say for the occasion. also at the end when the other guy tells his girlfriend wow cool sled was just another touch to the ending of telling us how the horse kept on passing gas.
This is easily one of my all time favorite commercials because its so short and its hilarious even tho its promoting a alcoholic beverage in a way it kind of says that you can be in the snow with whom ever and still enjoy a nice cold beer in a way its trying to say that you can be somewhat romantic and still be able to drink this beer with out looking bad or under dressed sort of say for the occasion. also at the end when the other guy tells his girlfriend wow cool sled was just another touch to the ending of telling us how the horse kept on passing gas.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
WK-3 EOC: Making Money for good
One of the most companies or foundations that really stand out for me since i first ever saw it is the company or foundation (RED) this foundation really stands out for me because of who backs it up ive seen Bono back it up and i was just amazed and knew it was a great thing to do now there is so many artist that back this up when all it took was just one person to stand up what (RED) does is it helps out the people in Africa with the medications that they need but not just anyone they take care of the people who have HIV but when they say that they help people with HIV is not just by getting it by having unprotected sex with another person kids are born like this and its passed by not just sexual part but by open wounds that they all have. large companies such as Coca-Cola, Apple, Starbucks, Monster Dr,Dre beats, Belvedere yes the vodka they all support and give money to this foundation im sure that there is more companies i believe that even Converse has a pair of shoes that when you buy a pair you are donating to this cause. Its a great cause to donate i started to donate and buy products when i saw that it was a big deal and not just some phony foundation that tried to get famous by making things up sort of like the whole kony2012 that was going around.
One of the most companies or foundations that really stand out for me since i first ever saw it is the company or foundation (RED) this foundation really stands out for me because of who backs it up ive seen Bono back it up and i was just amazed and knew it was a great thing to do now there is so many artist that back this up when all it took was just one person to stand up what (RED) does is it helps out the people in Africa with the medications that they need but not just anyone they take care of the people who have HIV but when they say that they help people with HIV is not just by getting it by having unprotected sex with another person kids are born like this and its passed by not just sexual part but by open wounds that they all have. large companies such as Coca-Cola, Apple, Starbucks, Monster Dr,Dre beats, Belvedere yes the vodka they all support and give money to this foundation im sure that there is more companies i believe that even Converse has a pair of shoes that when you buy a pair you are donating to this cause. Its a great cause to donate i started to donate and buy products when i saw that it was a big deal and not just some phony foundation that tried to get famous by making things up sort of like the whole kony2012 that was going around.
WK-3 EOC: My Demographics
Born in the late 80s is not how everyone thinks it is, i was born in Texas and i am American/Mexican and to us having a computer or technology was being wealthy my mother is part of the baby boomer and so is my father im glad to say that both of my parents know how to use a computer they both have smart phones and know what to do with them i remember when i first started to show my mother how to use her android phone it was crazy and fun but at the same time i got a little aggravated at times but she learned how to use it and now she is always one it and texting all the time and reading the news on her smart phone. what i remember the first time i used the INTERNET was during school we had to go through a course and be able to get a sticker on our school id that said that we were able to use the web to search for stuff i felt like i was amazing because i was one of the first students to be able to have that sticker on my ID also one of the things that get to me is when i see a child with a smart phone or that tells their parent i NEED a phone when i was at a young age my cell phone was two quarters i also never had the luxury of having a cell phone untill the day that i could pay my own bill. I also remember the day i got my first camera it was a old hand me down from my mom and it was a old 35mm camera that it was all busted and almost falling apart but i took such great care of that and i know i liked photography since i was at a young age. i thank my mother everyday for giving me a hint and a push to what i love to do and for everything she has done for me till this day.
Born in the late 80s is not how everyone thinks it is, i was born in Texas and i am American/Mexican and to us having a computer or technology was being wealthy my mother is part of the baby boomer and so is my father im glad to say that both of my parents know how to use a computer they both have smart phones and know what to do with them i remember when i first started to show my mother how to use her android phone it was crazy and fun but at the same time i got a little aggravated at times but she learned how to use it and now she is always one it and texting all the time and reading the news on her smart phone. what i remember the first time i used the INTERNET was during school we had to go through a course and be able to get a sticker on our school id that said that we were able to use the web to search for stuff i felt like i was amazing because i was one of the first students to be able to have that sticker on my ID also one of the things that get to me is when i see a child with a smart phone or that tells their parent i NEED a phone when i was at a young age my cell phone was two quarters i also never had the luxury of having a cell phone untill the day that i could pay my own bill. I also remember the day i got my first camera it was a old hand me down from my mom and it was a old 35mm camera that it was all busted and almost falling apart but i took such great care of that and i know i liked photography since i was at a young age. i thank my mother everyday for giving me a hint and a push to what i love to do and for everything she has done for me till this day.
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